Wednesday, 27 February 2008


Becoming disillusioned with the Champion$ League? Tired of the constant and superfluous media hyperbole that accompanies every game? Annoyed with the ever-increasing ticket prices and, as a result, prize money in the game?

Welcome to Champion$ League-Having a Laugh, my new blog designed to provide you with a light-hearted look at Michel Platini's love-child, Europe's "elite" competition, the showpiece for the rest of the world to marvel at and drool uncontrollably.

A competition which features highlights including: Olympiakos 0-0 Chelsea, a game so dull even Avram Grant looked interesting in comparison; Marco Materazzi of Inter Milan picking up red cards like headbutts at a Zidane family barbecue; The same old teams. Every. Single. Year, reaching the knock-out stages. AC Milan? Yep. Liverpool? Yep, somehow. Real Madrid? Of course.

So if you agree with me, read on and enjoy. If not, visit the official UEFA site and say hello to the positive spin doctors for me.

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